Adoption – KAPSA and Our Role

Adopting a Street Animal

Deciding to take a street animal from Turkey and offer it a loving home is a wonderful thing to do. Most people that have already successfully adopted an animal found the process smooth. When you decide to be a new owner you should be aware of the role and responsibilities of the parties concerned, including yourself. The responsibility to ensure all the paperwork and documentation is in order lies with you. To assist you, we can provide you with a checklist to use. We will provide this when you contact us about adopting your new pet.

The information that is provided to you by any of the parties involved in the adoption process, should always be checked with DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) in the UK. Each European country will have it’s own government equivalent to DEFRA you will have to check for adopting in other countries. You may also have to check with any countries the animal may pass through to reach its final destination.

Where possible, we suggest that owners seek to insure the animal and themselves against any losses they may incur, in the event that things do not go as planned.

KAPSA and Our Role

  • Acts in an advisory capacity only. As street animals do not belong to KAPSA, KAPSA accepts no liability for any losses incurred during or after the adoption process.
  • Provides no financial input or assistance, nor requests money from the new owner.
  • Should the animal be placed in foster care in Turkey, this is a separate and private arrangement made directly between the new owner and care provider. All financial arrangements are between the owner and foster home.
  • Can provide a list of foster homes that previous owners have used.
  • Will support the owner should things go wrong and offer advice where possible.
  • Will advise the new owner of the history, as far as it is known, of the animal. This may include any medical issues or conditions the animal may have had in the past, which may or may not occur in the future. KAPSA will treat and pay for any medical conditions the animal may incur during its time in Turkey and prior to travelling. KAPSA accepts no on-going liability for any recurring medical conditions once outside of Turkey. We strongly advise all owners to undertake a Leishmania Test on any dog and then decide if they wish to continue with the adoption.
  • In the event that the correct formalities for an animal leaving Turkey and entering another country have not been followed, KAPSA accepts no liability for additional expenses incurred.


General Guidelines Only


In the event that the animal is collected and placed into a foster home, you need to check who will be responsible for ensuring the animal is fit to travel and the necessary paperwork in place for it to travel. Generally, a fee will be charged by the foster home to ensure your pet is fully compliant. The foster home generally accepts no liability however for errors or omissions outside its control or by 3rd parties, and any additional expenses incurred as a result, will be borne by the owner or the 3rd party if they agree. It is always wise to seek clarification on such matters.


Should the animal be placed in kennels in Turkey, it is the responsibility of the owner to nominate a named person of their choice, to oversee the adoption process. The named person will ensure the animal is fit to travel and will obtain all the necessary documentation to ensure the animal can travel. A fee and/or expenses may be charged by the named person. The named person will be providing this service as a private arrangement with the owner, and not in their capacity as a volunteer or member of KAPSA.


  • Kalkan Veterinary Clinic is the veterinary practice of preference of KAPSA.
  • The vet is not an employee of KAPSA, and therefore KAPSA accepts no liability for any losses incurred during or after the adoption process, that are as a result of an error by the veterinary clinic.
  • If there is any financial losses incurred by the owner, as detailed in the above point, it is the responsibility of the owner to pursue recompense directly from the vet.
  • A check-list, with dates when each stage needs to be complied with, should be given to the owner. It is the responsibility of the owner to check with the vet that all these actions have been completed.
Your animal must have the following:
  • Microchip*
  • Rabies inoculation*
  • Mixed inoculation x 2
  • Kennel cough inoculation
  • Corona
  • Flea & worm treatment x 2
  • Blood test
  • Neutering*
  • Tapeworm
  • Third country certificate

* If the animal has already had these items carried out, this should reduce your costs.


  • Foster care
  • Travel Crate (must be the correct size for the dog)
  • Flight (animal must be accompanied by owner or a designated travel companion), or overland transport.

Please note that there are normally some cheaper flights available via Europe for returning to your home with an animal e.g. flight to Brussels or Paris, and finishing your journey through the Eurotunnel.

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