Dogs Needing Homes

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Fabulous Dog Desperately Needs New Adoptive People of His Own

CAN YOU HELP? Pedro’s planned adoption has sadly fallen through, and he desperately needs to find new people of his own very soon. here is what Michelle, our adoption co-ordinator says about his story. This is Pedro (was Peter) and you may remember him leading me a merry dance whenRead More

Nancy – A Dumped Dog With Burns on Paws

NANCY – another dumped dog in Kalkan – with severe burns and needing veterinary care for this and other problems.   At 6 am one morning recently while one of the KAPSA volunteers was walking her dogs, she noticed a small female dog in the bushes on some scrubland. SheRead More

three young dogs looking for forever home adopters

3 Young Dogs Looking for New Forever Homes

These 3 gorgeous, cuddly young dogs are looking for loving homes of their own, in Turkey or in the UK. They are all 6-7 months old and have been in foster care so are very used to people, confident, happy and affectionate. At this age, they all still have someRead More

Adoption of Kalkan Animals Abroad

If you have spent time in Kalkan, the chances are you have met with some of the streets dogs and cats of the town and you may even have fallen just a little in love with one or more of them.

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