

We visit schools in Kalkan and nearby villages explain to children why we should respect and care for our local animals. To help us we have an excellent slide presentation and booklets provided SHKD (Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma Derneği). These booklets have been designed by The Dog’s Trust in conjunction with Battersea Dogs Home and the North Shore Animal League. They are produced in Turkish by SHKD and E.H.D (Evsiz Hayvanlar Derneği) The booklets contain a lot of information but it is presented in such a way as to be thought provoking yet understandable for children of all ages.  The aim is to provide children with a better understanding of animals. In particular how it is important to treat them well and neuter owned and stray animals to reduce the number unwanted cats and dogs in the world. We hope the children take these lessons home and teach their families what they have learned.

Our Information Leaflets

Our Information Leaflets


We speak to people all the time, young and old, locals or visitors. These conversations include talking about the problem of street animals, TNR, care and responsible ownership.

We talk about Turkish animal welfare law and culture and about KAPSA, what we do and why. The aim is to raise awareness about the plight of the stray dogs and cats. We try to get more people involved and explain that everyone can do something to make a difference. It is, after all in everyone’s interest.

Animals in Schools

The Turkish government department responsible for Education has started an initiative encouraging all schools across the country to have animals in their grounds.  The idea is to teach the children about animal care and welfare. Through this they hope those children will take that care and compassion for animals out into the wider world. The will pass it on to their own families, to their friends and colleagues in the future. Education is so important in spreading the welfare word.

KAPSA recently helped two local primary schools adopt and settle in two puppies each. You can read more about the Patara school in our blog post. A couple of weeks later the school in Çayköy also received their puppies. This is a brand new initiative, so we are monitoring how it progresses closely. We will keep you updated on progress via our Facebook Group and here on the website.




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