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Can You Adopt This Lovely Puppy? ADOPTED

This poor lad was dumped in Caykoy, one of the villages not too far from Kalkan. One of our volunteers lives in the village and found him. She has been caring for him, but cannot take him on because already has a large doggy family. Therefore, we are looking forRead More

Betty the Pointer Needs a Home – ADOPTED

If ever there was a dog who needed help, it is Patara Betty, she is truly desperate. Betty was found, as her name suggests, wandering around Patara and in an incredibly sorry state. Linda managed to capture her and she was whisked of to the Kalkan Vet Clinic for aRead More

Adoption of Kalkan Animals Abroad

If you have spent time in Kalkan, the chances are you have met with some of the streets dogs and cats of the town and you may even have fallen just a little in love with one or more of them.

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