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Nancy – A Dumped Dog With Burns on Paws

NANCY – another dumped dog in Kalkan – with severe burns and needing veterinary care for this and other problems.   At 6 am one morning recently while one of the KAPSA volunteers was walking her dogs, she noticed a small female dog in the bushes on some scrubland. SheRead More

Beautiful Rescue Dog – REHOMED!

Oscar is a 2 year old medium sized boy, who has already had several owners but through no fault of his own, or even the owners really, he needs a new, stable loving home asap. He was originally owned by an elderly Istanbul resident who was not coping with hisRead More

Gordon is a terrier type looking for a new adopted home of his own.

Let’s Get Gordon a Great Life -ADOPTED

GORDON isn’t a moron, he’s a small, sweet, happy chappy doggy in need of a home. Dog scanner says he is 60% Glen of Imaal Terrier!! Who are we to argue! However, whatever mix he is, suffice to say this lovely,  rough-ish coated terrier type needs your help in findingRead More

Abandoned Puppy Needs a Home – ADOPTED

This dog now has a home, thank you for your interest and please do continue to check back and consider supporting KAPSA’s work with a donation.  One of our supporters up in Uzumlu, Debbie, is currently looking after a young puppy found dumped on a road near her home. HereRead More

Very Cute Sheltie/Border Collie-ADOPTED

This dog now has a home, thank you for your interest and please do continue to check back and consider supporting KAPSA’s work with a donation.  This gorgeous girl is currently at KAPSA HQ and desperately needs an lovely new home of her own! A few words from Sandra aboutRead More

Can You Offer Portakal a Home – ADOPTED

This dog now has a home, thank you for your interest and please do continue to check back and consider supporting KAPSA’s work with a donation.  Portakal is a lovely little girl who was recently rescued and is currently in foster care while her Anaplasmosis is treated [a very curableRead More

Can You Adopt This Lovely Puppy? ADOPTED

This poor lad was dumped in Caykoy, one of the villages not too far from Kalkan. One of our volunteers lives in the village and found him. She has been caring for him, but cannot take him on because already has a large doggy family. Therefore, we are looking forRead More

Can we Make Blue a Little Less Blue? ADOPTED

This is Blue, and one look at her probably tells you why. She is a lovely girl and really could thrive in a proper home environment. Here she tells her own story. Hello my name is Blue. I was recently found being chased by about 7 male dogs because IRead More

This ‘Bonnie’ Wee Girl Needs a Home ADOPTED

Allow us to introduce Bonnie, a female dog who recently arrived in Kalkan and is such a lovely girl, she really does need a proper home. Here is her story: Hello everyone. Some of my friends say this is a good place to ask for a home of my own.Read More

Can you Cherish Little Dog Cherry? ADOPTED

One of our amazing Turkish volunteers found this little girl and is looking after her. She now needs a loving home of her own, can you help? Here is her story, as told by Gulfem. I found this little girl on the forest road between Yesilkoy and Akbel. She hadRead More

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