Give a Dog a Bone
Welcome to our Christmas Appeal. This year, we have decided to change things a little. We are asking you to Give a Dog ( or a Cat ) a bone tree decoration. Read on for more details
Auction 2024 Payments
Huge thanks to everyone who took part in our Auction, and congratulations to all the winning bidders. Every penny raised will help us feed and provide healthcare to the street animals over winter.
Donate to Lynne’s 200km Walk for KAPSA
May we introduce you to Lynne, a keen KAPSA supporter who is spending this November walking around Kalkan, it’s villages, and surrounding areas every day, covering 200km in total across the month.

2023 Christmas Dinner Advent Appeal
Every winter, KAPSA help the street animals by funding a winter feeding program. Volunteers across the town take responsibility for feeding the local street animals daily and keeping an eye on their health and well being. We distribute the food weekly to our volunteers and they ensure as many animalsRead More

2023 Charity Auction Payments
Please pay for your 2023 Black Friday Auction items on this page. Many thanks for all your bids, they really will help all the street dogs & cats over the coming months. AFTER YOUR WINNING BID(S) IS CONFIRMED, add up the total cost of ALL items, including P&P Fill out theRead More

Contribute to KAPSA
Thank you for visiting our donation page. This is where you can use your card to make a direct donation to our work. If you prefer to set up a monthly donation, or send a one-off donation via bank electronic transfer, then please visit our ‘Donate in Other Ways‘ pageRead More