KAPSA 2019 Neutering Report
2019 KAPSA Neutering by President Sandra Osbourne
The start of a new year and it’s time to review our 2019 neutering performance. I AM THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE NEUTERED 202 DOGS AND 475 CATS – A TOTAL OF 677 ANIMALS!
A significant increase on 540 animals in 2018, and 482 in 2017. Neutering is so important and believed to be the only humane way of controlling the stray animal population.
We run a TNR (trap-neuter-return) programme which means that animals are brought to Kalkan Vet Clinic for neutering but returned (whenever possible) to the area/village they came from. Virtually all the street animals in Kalkan originated in one of the surrounding villages. Therefore we do as much work as possible in these areas as well as in the main area of town.
KAPSA are a small charity, all our work is carried out by a handful of hardworking and dedicated volunteers. It is funded entirely by generous donations from our supporters and fund raising events organised by volunteers and supporters.
Our neutered dogs have a mini health check, vaccinated, tagged and registered. The cats are also mini health checked, and their ear is snipped while under anaesthetic, so they can be identified as neutered in the future. Surgery for both is keyhole to ensure a quick recovery.
The Path to Success
Huge thanks to our volunteers and supporters, none of this would be possible without you! Thanks also to Kalkan Vet Clinic for being such great vets! TeamKapsa rocks!!! I cannot begin to work out how many unwanted animals we have stopped from being born. Neutering also improves the lives of animals and a community too.
One of the main reasons for the increase in neutering numbers is more and more people are understanding the benefits of neutering. Our efforts to raise awareness mean we are being told about animals in villages all over the Kas region. With more locals involved in this way, we can respond and keep spreading the word through them. This year also saw the launch of large banners in some of the villages, explaining why neutering is so important.
There will always be more work to do, especially as more people do become aware of animal welfare issues and want to be involved, understanding the benefits. 2019 has been a great year, we are hoping 2020 will be even better.
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