Adopter Needed for Gentle Rusty – ADOPTED

Let us meet Rusty, a beautiful dog in need of a loving home of his own. He is currently with KAPSA supporter Karen, but would make a fabulous pet for someone – is that you?
Here is his story.

“Hi everyone my name’s Rusty! Well that’s what my human friends have decided to call me after about a week of going through lots of different names. I don’t really care what I’m called, anything’s better than 344.

Well here’s my story so far…
I’m originally from Kas, I was neutered there in April. My humans don’t know how old I am, but I look and feel young. How I got to Kalkan they don’t know, but from talking to people I’ve been seen around Kalkan for about 3 weeks.
I just turned up at their Villa a week ago, and they were so kind to me I just had to go back. I was very nervous and scared at first, but they made me a soft bed outside so I could sleep safely. On Monday when it was raining they let me inside to sleep, even though I had a big lump of dried poo poo on my back. Well that’s another story, but they sorted it and it’s gone now. I’m brushed everyday, fed and watered so I just have to stay with them at the moment.
They think I might have had a home at one time, as I’m an extremely good boy. I’m gentle, I don’t jump up or beg for food, I’m very quiet, no trouble at all. I don’t ask for much, just some love and fuss, and something soft to lay on. I’m handsome so they tell me (well just look at this face!). I like cats.
My humans love me, but they don’t live here (Turkey) permanently and are only here for another 4 months. They would love to keep me but they spend 6 months in UK and 6 months here in Kalkan so it’s not possible ??
They would love to find me a forever home before they leave, and are happy to lookout for me until then. I would make a lovely companion for someone as I don’t ask for much, just love❤️
Please share my story with your friends, I know I am one of many street dogs looking for a permanent home, but it would make my human friends very happy.
Thank you!

Rusty xx

If you can offer Rusty a permanent home, a new life, please get in touch with us asap.

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