KAPSA in a Time of Covid19

Update March 2021: This post was originally written a year ago, but as we now know, things have not changed much. The pandemic is still with us and travel around as well as to and from Turkey is restricted for many. We continue to help the street animals in any and every way possible, even during lockdowns. We know our supporters are just as desperate to get back to Kalkan as we and the animals are to see them. However for now we must just keep working to fight this virus and keep the people and our animals safe.
Thank you yet again for your continued support of KAPSA and your many messages and comments on social media that help keep us going.


During this time of crisis across the world, charities everywhere are feeling the pinch and KAPSA is no different. We have had to make a lot of adjustments to deal with the Turkish Covid19 restrictions and still be able to feed the street animals and get those that need it to veterinary care.

On The Ground

The restrictions have meant we are short of available volunteers, so those that are available have been working long hours to cover that shortfall. Many of our usual volunteers are sitting in their homes desperate to help but can’t, so it is a frustrating time for all. However, the feeding and care continues as best we can and the vets at the Kalkan clinic have been as fantastic as ever. Somehow, everything is getting done and that includes us getting more calls for help than ever before.
In Turkey, there is currently total curfew at weekends, which is restricting even those normally able to get out to staying at home and reducing numbers even more. Much of the weekend work is carried out by Didem, the belediye vet and a few authorised individuals. Our volunteers are leaving feeding points as full as possible and of course ensuring water bowls are filled before each curfew starts too. In summary, we are doing everything we can to make sure all our animals make it through this period. They are so used to attention and visitors returning at this time of year, they are very confused too.


Our supporters have been absolutely incredible. We are currently running a Donate Your Kalkan Dinner fund raising campaign. So many people are donation the cost of a meal, or a drink, one they might normally be having in Kalkan. Below is a breakdown of our costs and why find raising is so important. We cannot thank every supporter individually, but we do hope they all realise how totally appreciated they really are. Many are suffering financial uncertainty at the moment so it is beyond generous how much people are still trying to help. THANK YOU!

What it all Costs

We thought it might be helpful to give some information about our monthly spending and how donations are actually spent, so this is some info about March 2020 and money spent on our winter feeding programme plus neutering and treating the injured and sick.

Firstly I will touch on feeding. Our food bill for March was 10485.00 TL for 126 bags of food. So far this winter (19/20) we have spent 43725.00 TL on 546 bags. Last winter (18/19) we spent 38610.00 TL in total, on 565 bags (average 68.3). Food costs are increasing and our programme has to be ongoing for the summer too this year, with no visitors and no restaurants and cafes open. 

Our March bill for operations, procedures and treatments was 15592.00 lira. This includes neutering, broken bones, amputation, injuries, teeth, eyes, vaccinations, specialist food, tests, illnesses such as Leishmania, Ehrlichiosis, Mange, etc. Well over 100 animals helped. In April alone 42 animals were neutered; in previous years 677 (2019), 540 (2018) and 482 (2017). Ongoing and important work as part of the TNR program and animal welfare and health.

In one month we have helped animals in Kalkan, Yesilkoy, Patara, Akbel, Kinik, Islamlar, Bezirgan, Ova, Saribelan, Uzumlu and Saklikent. The total cost for one month was 26077.00 TL – on the current exchange rate, nearly £3000.00. This is all funded by fundraising and donations, all of which goes into helping the animals as everyone at KAPSA is a volunteer.

In Summary

Sadly costs in Turkey are rising, we are getting more and more requests for help and our fundraising opportunities in Turkey are almost non existent during the current crisis. So every penny donated online either via this website, or by bank transfers and regular monthly standing orders is of huge importance and desperately needed.

We can also confirm that KAPSA has had an official audit this year from the Turkish authorities – no financial irregularities were found and we have been complimented on our standards, which was very pleasing.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to support us, to follow us on social media and through the website, and to help us keep the street dogs and cats in and around Kalkan healthy and happy. 

Türkçe Çeviri

Yaptığınız bağışların nereye gittiğine dair ve aylık harcamalarımız hakkında sizi bilgilendirmek istedik. Bu yazı önce 2020 yılı mart ayında kısırlaştırma, besleme, tedavi masrafları için harcadıklarımız hakkında. Öncelikle beslemeden bahsedecek olursak bu ay sokak hayvanlarını beslemek için harcadığımız 10,485 tl ( 126 çuval x 15 kg ). Bağışlarınızın nereye gittiğiyle ilgili sizi bilgilendirmenin iyi olacağını düşündük. 2019 Ekim ayından itibaren şimdiye kadar 546 çuval ( 43,725 tl ) mama dağıttık. Geçtiğimiz yıl, aynı süreçte dağıttığımız mama 565 çuvaldı ( 38,610 tl ). 2020 mart ayında klinik ödememiz toplam 15,592 tl. Bu ödemenin içinde kısırlaştırma, tedavi ( uyuz, araç kazalarıyla oluşan kırıklar ve diğer yaralar , kene-pire uygulamaları, ve özel mama ihtiyaçları… ) Böylelikle 1 ay içinde Kalkan, Yeşilköy, Akbel, Patara, Kınık, İslamlar, Bezirgan, Saklıkent, Ova, Üzümlü deki 100 den fazla hayvana yardım ettik. Bunun 1 ay için maliyeti 26,077 tl ‘di. Sadece nisan ayında 42 kedi/köpek kısırlaştırdık. Geçtiğimiz yıllardaki sayılar ise 2019 da -677, 2018 de 540, 2017 de 482 idi. Bütün bunları bağışlarınız sayesinde yapabiliyoruz. Her geçen gün ihtiyaçlarımız artıyor, bununla birlikte Türkiye’ deki maliyetler de artıyor. Maalesef hepimizin yaşadığı pandemi sebebiyle yeterince bağış alamıyoruz. Bu arada KAPSA ‘nın Türk kanunlarına tamamen uyan bir dernek olduğunu hatırlatmak isteriz.
Sabır gösterip okuduğunuz için teşekkürler.

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