Report: KAPSA Click & Collect

KAPSA CLICK AND COLLECT REPORT Our click and collect fundraising scheme has been running since July 2020 with a few covid blips/closures along the way. It was designed to ensure that KAPSA could continue to receive local donations, in as safe a way as possible, with the local community benefitting from a chance to get clothes and household items, in return for small donations, at a time when many family budgets are very stretched.

The volunteers, superbly led by Kate, have really made a fantastic and enormous effort to ensure the real success of the venture. They started by putting out a plea for clothes, household items, anything really and set up a Facebook group to promote these items.

The items are all available for a suggested monetary donation to KAPSA and new things are posted every week. From July 2020 to September 2021, the click and collect volunteer team, has raised donations of 124,894.00 TL.

This is an amazing achievement and proves all that collecting, washing, ironing, posting and distributing, recycling, really works!!!! To put it in perspective, our KAPSA bills for veterinary care, neutering and feeding has been 294158.50 lira since the 28th December 2020 till August 21. So a huge chunk of that has been covered by click and collect donations. Special thanks to all our click and collect supporters and volunteers. The scheme has really made a difference. Team KAPSA at its best.

By Sandra Osbourne

President KAPSA Turkey


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