Six Puppies & Mum Rehoming – HOMED

Update: All now rehomed

Aound a month ago, a very pregnant female dog was found in Kalkan. The TNR program has been hugely successful and it is rare to see a pregnant dog in the town. Two young ladies had been feeding her and said she just appeared a few weeks previously, so it looks like the poor girl was dumped from elsewhere yet again.

She was taken to the Vet clinic for a check over and seemed healthy so we provided the 2 girls with some better quality food for her and let her make the decision on where to have the pups. She is currently on the Kalamar road near Johnys.

The pups were born, the dog found a little spot on the Kalamar road close to where the girls were feeding her by Johnys Cafe. We stopped to see the mother dog today and for the first time we saw the pups too. 4 boys, 2 girls, all looking healthy. She was pushing them away a bit but luckily they all seemed able to eat the pup food and drink water. She fed two for a couple of minutes then they were pushed away too. They are underneath Johnys still, but a new location, we noted its barricaded to stop them getting on the road. Kapsa have provided food for the mum and today we gave Johnys bar some pup food too. The pups are about 3-4 weeks old so the family needs to stay together for as long as possible, then good homes are needed.

If you can offer one of these adorable pups a new life in a home, please, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. We want these little guys to have the best possible start in life, we are doing everything we can for them, but they need forever homes.


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