2018 Neutering Report

By Sandra Osbourne

2018 KAPSA NEUTERING – The year has come to a close and it’s time to review our neutering performance over the past 12 months.

I am thrilled to announce that we have neutered 540 animals (482 in 2017) under our TNR (trap, neuter and return) neutering programme – 383 cats and 157 dogs. The animals all had operations in Kalkan, at Kalkan vet clinic, but were from the surrounding villages such as Patara, Bezirgan, Ova, Akbel, Saribelan, Karadere, Kinik, Yesilkoy, Islamlar, Incibel, Ulugul and Ikizge as well as Kalkan.


We were very fortunate to receive a grant from SNIP International which allowed us to choose 2 new traps and a crusher cage, which are very useful indeed in carrying out this vital work.

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we have also been able to place banners in some village locations to promote animal welfare and neutering.

Special thanks to everyone at Kalkan Vet Clinic, they have been fantastic and worked well beyond the call of duty. Huge thanks to all KAPSA volunteers and supporters. None of this important work could be done without your teamwork and was all paid for by donations and fundraising…

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