A Lucky Lady

This is one lucky cat. We had a kapsa meeting today to talk about our dwindling finances, when an email came through to say some tourists had seen a cat “with skinned legs” dragging them across the floor. They couldn’t catch it, but eventually it collapsed in the gutter in some foliage by Bim and close to our meeting! When we arrived, the cat was distressed, but we bought Hasan the vet who expertly caught it and took it back to the clinic. After being x-rayed, she has a broken hip which is an old injury. So she has been getting around by dragging her back legs, which over the weeks has worn holes in her skin and now you can see her tendons!!! She will be operated on on Saturday then will need 45 days cage rest. She will remain in the HQ unless anyone can foster her, and if anyone would like to contribute towards her care, we would be most grateful!

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update 1 She is calmer today and not as feral as first feared.This morning I was able to stroke her and she let me lift her up too.Still very scared of course.Some complaining and eyeing up the door too! Hopefully she will feel like eating something now.

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Update 2 Providing Hasan thinks she is fit enough,its operation day today.She sat on my knee for quite a while this morning Full report later and thank you again to everyone for your support.

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Update 3 Hasan was really pleased with the outcome of the operation and the xrays looked really good.Melek collected her later and she is now with her for cage rest and lots of TLC

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Update 4 Melek has settled her into a large cage for her recovery and I visited today for a cuddle.She is not going to be an easy patient,very vocal but the cage rest should mean that the hip will recover fully and she can go on to live a normal life again (outdoors!)

Update 5 She has recovered well and will soon be back to her fit and well self.


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