Ex-Street Dog is on a Sponsored Slim


Hello my name is Beady. I am a 14 year old ex-Kalkan street dog now living in the UK. Some of you may remember me when I used to hang around the chicken rotisserie stall on the main roundabout many years ago or in a restaurant in Kalamar Bay.

Well I am safe and happy now and loving my life in Dorset. HOWEVER my Vet says I have to go on a DIET as I have put on nearly 2 KG!! So as my Mum is on the plump side too we are going on a sponsored slim for KAPSA ! I tried the diet food the vet gave me and HATED it!! My Mum has agreed to cook me fresh chicken everyday with vegetables instead which I LOVE!!

Mum is going on the Certaslim diet which our lovely Kapsa friend Charles Howson told her about. He owns the company www.certaslim.com and has said if anyone else would like to join her then please look at his website and if you order anything he will very generously donate a percentage of the sales to KAPSA too. He has also promised to give you a little present, just type in ‘Christina’ in the messages.

We are starting the diet this Saturday 24th of February for two weeks and will give you updates. I will be going on a long gentle daily walk as my legs are not as good as they used as they used to be. So we have to take things a little slower (which will suit Mum down to the ground. Little does she know I will be off chasing rabbits when she is not looking ? but Shhh don’t tell her please).

At this time of year things are TOUGH on the streets for a Dog or Cat and the weather can be bad. For every THREE people who kindly sponsor me KAPSA will be able to buy a bag of food for my old friends on the streets in Kalkan. They get hungry and are not as lucky as me . It will make the trauma of me having to go without my treats and chews and Mum having to do away with her chocolate so much easier knowing we are helping to feed others!! This is going to be a real tough one for me as I am so used to having two good meals a day and not having to worry about food.
If you can sponsor me and my mum, please just fill out the form below and our weight loss will be helping to feed the street dogs and cats of Kalkan. THANKYOU so much!! 


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