KAPSA & Animal Welfare Education

Over the years, KAPSA volunteers have worked incredibly hard in the field of education. As a charity, two of our stated aims are:

  • To work with the local community to show the importance of having owned animals neutered. To offer free sterilisation for animals in under privileged households.

  • To improve public understanding and treatment of animals through education programs. To increase local awareness of, and compassion for street animals.

These two aims, while on the surface a little different, actually tie in together. It is all about engaging with and understanding local communities and their views and feelings towards animals. Working with them we can share the knowledge and compassion in a culturally sensitive way to help improve the overall welfare of all animals, street and owned, across Kalkan and its local villages.

As with so many things in life, learning about animals is best started from a young age. We have been involved in many innovative projects in local schools, with volunteers visiting the schools and talking to groups of children of all ages. Young people are like sponges, soaking up the learning experience and they love meeting the dogs we have taken in to introduce to them.

We have a range of leaflets & booklets, in Turkish and English that the children can enjoy and take away with them. This of course has the knock on effect of taking what they have learned in school home and passing it on to other family members and the local community. Slowly but surely everyone learns and the word spreads.

We have also helped out with initiatives that has seen school children visit our local veterinary clinics. Here they learn about animals and veterinary medicine with a view to inspiring the vets and animal care nurses of the future.

Further educational opportunities have involved our supporters contributing towards the costs for large banners to be hung around the town and villages, explaining the benefits, to animals and humans, of neutering dogs and dogs.

Overall, KAPSA has made a huge contribution towards increasing local engagement in and awareness of animal welfare. Our plan is to keep on doing what we are doing, and with the help of our volunteers and supporters, keep on promoting compassion for all animals.

We couldn’t do this work without the support of the people who donate to us, so we must extend huge thanks to those unseen people, who make our work possible. If you would like to donate, to help us continue our education programs, please visit the Donate Page where you can make an online donation immediately, or read about other ways to donate towards the work we do.

Thank you, and here are some photos from across the years of various school and vet visits and the children enjoying the new experiences.

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