KAPSA Officially a UK Registered Charity
It’s official. KAPSA is now registered as a UK charity. Number: 1169281
We are delighted to announce that KAPSA now has UK Charitable status! There will be no change to how things operate currently, both in the UK and Turkey, but this is to tap into initiatives such as ‘Just Giving’ and ‘Gift Aid’. The new charity will operate from the UK and be run by dedicated volunteers, with a separate board of Trustees to the Turkish charity, although many of whom are already actively involved in the work of KAPSA in Kalkan.
The main focus of KAPSA UK will be to raise funds within the UK for Kalkan’s street animals, as there are so many more opportunities open to us with UK charity status. We know from experience that many animal lovers who visit Kalkan regularly are keen to continue their support once they have returned home, and it is envisaged that now we will be able to harness this interest.
Thank you to everyone who currently contributes and supports us and has done in the past, and here’s to a new chapter for KAPSA.